Loving the Planet with sustainable acoustic solutions
A platform for environmental consciousness includes a meeting room for events treated with sustainable and eco-friendly custom-designed VMT acoustic solutions.
Vicoustic designed and conceived the acoustic treatment of the Loving the Planet platform’s meeting room, where public events, interviews, recordings, and broadcasts take place. The room includes Flat Panel VMT, VicSpacer XXL and Vixagon VMT, all custom-designed with images to promote the environment, giving the space both the acoustic response required for the events and the design setting adapted to the main subject.

VMT (Virtual Material Technology) is a high-performance acoustic solution developed by Vicoustic from VicPET Wool, a non-woven textile mainly produced from recycled plastic bottles, being recyclable at the end of cycle, and certified for human health and indoor air quality. It is an alternative to conventional acoustic solutions used in studios. For each of the panels on the main wall of the Loving the Planet room, 227 plastic bottles were recycled. The Loving the Planet platform was founded by Eduardo Rêgo, a celebrated voice-over Narrator of Nature documentaries on Portuguese television. His goal is to connect agents working on eco-friendly solutions to alert consciences to the danger the world is in, due to climate change.

"This is the correct application for an environmentally friendly end product", says Eduardo Rêgo about the VMT panels. "It is extraordinary to have these panels here and to know that we are already a huge leap ahead of most studios, which continue to use materials that are harmful to the environment and to society itself or to the speakers who work in them."